Grant Details
Grant Program
Vaccine Plus – Community Heath and Power
El Centro
Grant Amount
A Vaccine Plus grant to support El Centro’s continued community health and resilience efforts.
More From El Centro
Below are several blog posts and webinars featuring El Centro’s work on health and well-being.
Holding Institutions Accountable for Access and Equity
In this webinar, we hear from leaders at People’s Action, the Center for Health Progress in Colorado, and El Centro in Kansas City, each of whom bring tangible examples of work to hold health care institutions and insurers accountable for how their practices impact patients.
Putting Power at the Center of Health Philanthropy
Levers for Long-Term Change: How Vaccine Plus Community-Led Health Initiatives Built Power & Strategies for the Future
The Impact of Medicaid ‘Unwinding’ and Resources
Background Beginning April 1st, several state Medicaid programs began the long and drawn out process of redetermination – verifying eligibility information for current enrollees and slowly dis-enrolling people based on changes in income or household size. As a result, millions of beneficiaries who currently have health coverage through Medicaid will be disenrolled from the program…
Key Lessons from Vaccine Plus Grant Partners
In 2022, we launched the Vaccine Plus: Community Health and Power grant program, providing flexible $25,000 grants to community-based and community-led health initiatives. Building on the foundation of our 2021 COVID Vaccine Equity and Access rapid response grants, the goal of Vaccine Plus was to support the expanded efforts of this cohort of grant recipients…